BuddhaDust on obo.genaud.net

CC BY Alexander Edward Genaud
or Poetic License

Welcome Friend!

Created by Michael Olds and hosted around the corner.

I have been very fortunate to have made friends with Michael Olds almost ten years ago. Over the years, off and on we've had many intense discussions about the Buddha's dhamma. Typically, they are of the nature of setting me straight. I'd like to think some of it has worked. He's got an incredibly sharp mind and has penetrated deeply into the meaning of the texts as confirmed through his practice. Many of Mike's interpretations are controversial, sometimes intentionally so, and he's not afraid to challenge a century of established assumptions made by primarily non-practicing but otherwise respected scholars in the Western world, as well as the commentaries of old. By all means, read texts from many authors, practice with many teachers; I think you'll find few translations of Pali as fresh, relevant, and thought provoking as Mike's.

In early 2012, we discussed collaborating on hosting his mountain of insight, the former BuddhaDust, in my corner of the web. On 19 May we made our first git version control check-in, and have been syncing and discussing the dhamma ever since. I do not believe one can find anywhere else on the net such a diverse and complete collection of the original words of the Buddha and translations from the Pali, all inter-connected, often paragraph by paragraph, with full vocabulary correspondence (Glossology) across prominent translators, contemporary and of the past century or two. It's a marvelous accomplishment manually compiled by one man along with original translations of thousands of suttas.

commit 72edd006acb5d2d1aa3ea5ddd586865fc640da55
Author: Alexander E Genaud 
Date:   Sat May 19 23:06:48 2012 -0700

git clone http://obo.genaud.net/moz/.git .

cc by Alexander Edward Genaud or Poetic License

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